Page name: black arrow tavern [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-04-24 19:07:43
Last author: travs the bean
Owner: travs the bean
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Welcome once again to the Black Arrow Tavern my friend, where the food is rich and drinks are plenty. Yet mind you, tis not a place to leave your purse lying about, and be wary of the goblins that haunt below and you'll be fine. Yet if yer looking for tales of adventures and treasures far off, than you've found the right place. Yes it has been a while, and there have been changes, but the dust is being cleaned off and the chairs straightened so if you need a place to stay for the night, here it might be

We offer the finest collection of drinks in elftown, as well as the the most excellent meat dishes. So pull up a stool or find a table and make yer self at home. If you are planning to stay a while there are plenty of rooms to choose from. Each with warm beds and a nice fires. Breakfast is at 11 and the bar never closes.

the rules
Now all we ask is you pay yer bill, and keep your squables at the door. There will be none of that here now. Also keep yer filthy mutts off the wenches or you might end up with an arrow to the back...we tend to keep an eye on our own here.

Also we have new openings and changes here at black arrow tavern:characters. So if your interested at playing more indepth roles- here is the place to go.

staff on duty:

[travs the bean] the barkeep;
[Igorina]aka Jynx
So feel free to ask for anything.

the drinks
Ale........................2 copper
Mead.....................1 copper
Eldenberry.............1 silver
Rock Ale.................1 copper, 1 silver
Black Root Ale.........2 copper
Fire Water...............3 copper
Goldberry Wine........1 gold
Brandy Wine............3 silver (sort of rare)

Todays Special: all you can eat
Roast Mutton, Bread, and Roasted Vegtebles 2 silver

Rooms per night
the floor.............1 copper
common room.....3 copper
room 2 beds........5 copper 1 silver
private room........3 silver

to the other rooms of the tavern
Black Arrow Tavern:Upstairs the 1st floor Map is done!
Black Arrow Tavern: 2nd Floor 2nd floor is done

important: this story is played through out many rooms- things happen in other places at the same time as in the inn and if you are not in the room you miss out on the adventure or danger:) so as more rooms open up we would encourage you to keep to story or stories going- because it all does not happen on the main floor:)

working on the cellar- which leads to the sewers(coming)

the map of the main floor
this will help you get around the inn- working on the second level and maybe the third as well- be patient
Legend to come...
all the tables are drawn without chairs- sorry- time issues:) and the storage room is off limits;) as well as the kitchen for the most part cause [Rennie] will prob beat you down like an old rug if she catches you there

if you need to buy stuff and gear for that next adventure or get a potion or two go here- i hear [Kileaiya] might be hiring once she gets her store in order:)
black arrow tavern:warehouse

character: who's who
black arrow: character sheet
come to the inn and you can create your own character- mind you as it grows more occupations will open up:) - than post your character here
black arrow tavern:characters

If you want to advertize the tavern here's the small graphic and the link.
black arrow tavern

**** i've been asked if anyone can join- the answer is always yes- just roleplay smart- a lot of people are not fans of the super warrior- or character that has it all- it makes things unrealistic- the tavern is in the poorer section of town- the main hall is open to all- get a room and that's were the adventure begins- just keep it clean.

we'll come up with a smart roleplay guide in a bit- but until then have a drink if you have the coin

Travs the bean

Black Arrow Tavern:Outside



we will delete a post if you break character- use the mail system to chat- not here- do not break character

god like powers and magic
If you want to be the most powerful kid on the block than this wiki is not for you- we will get rid of those and delete those post that we find fit this.We are looking for fun, realistic play, where you use your wits rather than your powers.... SO leave them at the door- Magis is allowed but in the inn it is greatly reduced and it will have damaging effects at time- (i am a big fan of friendly fire)

Username (or number or email):


2006-07-02 [Elisha Kelly]: Viktor hadn't expected the punch, it winded him slightly, but wasn't hard enough to make him let go of Elysia, instead he had taken a hasty step backwards, watching as Skyler pulled away... with only Elysia's boot. He realised he was was most likely going to have to fight his way out, and the thought didn't please him one bit... as he had left his sword back at the watchhouse.

2006-07-03 [Juiced]: Put her down now!!

2006-07-03 [Elisha Kelly]: Viktor looked over Leon and Skyler. He knew that he wasn't up to fighting the both of them... he still hadn't fully recovered from last nights attack... but he couldn't just let Elysia go either... he'd been tracking her down for months, and he couldn't afford for her to get away again... where was Luira when he needed her!

2006-07-03 [Juiced]: I said put her down!!

2006-07-03 [Elisha Kelly]: "that's not gonna happen" Viktor said resigned...

2006-07-03 [Elisha Kelly]: Elysia listened to the exchange, knowing that this could very well offer her an opportunity to escape...

2006-07-03 [Juiced]: now or i'll fight you myself

2006-07-03 [Ryuk Kannagi]: -sighs, he definately didn't want to mess with the halfling women, she scared him for some reason and he remembered what travs did to the troll that came in once, he slowly but surely put his weapons away- er sorry Jynx.... -he looks back at the man that held Elysia- hey capture her when she's not in this tavern, here everyone wether good or bad is guilty of nothing i say so just drop her

2006-07-03 [Akayume]: Rose rolled her eyes, and threw her hands up, but she slunk out of the tavern via window non-the-less.

2006-07-03 [Akayume]: (really?....O.o I thought he let go of her....)

2006-07-03 [Akayume]: Raven's eyes darted from Skyler to Leon to Vikor and Elsia. She moved quietly to behind the Viktor, and mouthed to the girl, 'run'.With one swift movement she moved her body to the ground, swinging out her leg to trip the man.

2006-07-03 [Elisha Kelly]: Viktor was unaware of Raven until she took his legs out... He fell to the floor with a heavy thud, loosing his grip on Elysia...

2006-07-03 [Elisha Kelly]: Elysia narrowly avoided being crushed under Viktor's weight... she then wasted no time in jumping to her feet, and making a dash for the door.

2006-07-03 [Akayume]: Part of Raven was caught under Viktor. She let out a breath of air as her eyes darted to Elysia.

2006-07-03 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep came back from the kitchen** what's all this?

2006-07-03 [Nonchalant]: Sercei: *shrugs* I just walked in

2006-07-03 [Elisha Kelly]: Elysia paused... remebering her boot... Viktor was still down, she should escape, but she needed her boot... "stuff it" she said, and ran out of the tavern.

2006-07-03 [Elisha Kelly]: Viktor sat up and cursed... he glared angrily at Raven...

2006-07-03 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep walked over to the discarded boot and picked it up, looking at it for a moment. There was an uneasy silence in the main hall as the bar keep looked to Viktor** Captain i hope you have a good explination for all of this?

2006-07-03 [Elisha Kelly]: Viktor stood slowly, taking the time to calm his temper "As I said before... that girl is wanted for murder". He took a deep breath, dreading the thought of having to explain this to Luira.

2006-07-03 [travs the bean]: have you proof? to cause so much havoc in my establishment so early in the morning Captain is very unlike you. You could have always asked for help in capturing the girl if you are able to produce proof of her guilt- I am more than willing to follow the law. Yet this leaves a bad taste to my guests, it makes my place seem unsafe

2006-07-03 [Elisha Kelly]: Viktor wearily shook his head.. "I have a warrant at the watchhouse..." he said running a hand through his hair "Seeing her here was a chance encounter... she's slippery... I couldn't risk her getting away again" he glared angrily at Raven and Skyler.

2006-07-03 [travs the bean]: A warrant at the watchhouse? **the old barkeep shook his head with a grin** Now you and i both know that with out that, you can't just come in here and tear the place up, tsk, tsk** he put his hand on the man's shoulder** this place is a safe haven for all who walk through these doors captain, I would hate for the governor to find out, **he leaned closer so only they could hear**besides captain if you really wanted her, you should have let me know before hand, I am always willing to lend a hand to protect my guest. My fares have always been reasonable

2006-07-03 [Elisha Kelly]: "I've had a really.. REALLY long night" Viktor sighed "I wasn't thinking straight... I apologise for the disruption... You will of course be compensated" he paused a moment before continuing in a low voice "and I shall keep your offer in mind..."

2006-07-03 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep smiled wickedly** excellent captain, oh by the way captain **the barkeep walked back to the bar leading the captain ** i have a little ... ask of you

2006-07-03 [Elisha Kelly]: "what kind of favour?" Viktor asked a little suspiciously...

2006-07-03 [travs the bean]: ** he pulled an envelope, and handed it to him**please deliver this to the govenor- no questions asked,** as he dropped a few gold pieces in his hand as well**

2006-07-03 [Elisha Kelly]: Viktor's interest was caught... "I can do that, though keep your gold... I would rather you let me know if the girl returns for her boot" he took the envelope for the barkeeper... "you wouldn't happen to knoiw where I could find the govenor would you?"

2006-07-03 [travs the bean]: i know you will do a good job captain- he would be in his house, i would suspect you see him more than i**the barkeep gave him a warm dark smile and quietly dropped the boot behind the bar, he would deal with the girl later**

2006-07-03 [Elisha Kelly]: "yes... but he has been rather elusive of late" his eyes followed the boots progress... "Well... I'll be going then" he nodded to the barkeeper, and made his way to the exit, scowling as every eye in the room followed his progress.

2006-07-03 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep watched him go and looked at his patrons** I apologize for the incovience my friends- drinks all around. That should ease everyone's burdens

2006-07-03 [Akayume]: Raven stood up, and muttered, "Someone needs to loose some weight.." Raven shook her head, and sighed. She felt as if her ribs had been crushed.

2006-07-03 [Juiced]: *stands in frount of Viktor* sry but i'm not going to let you take in Elysia

2006-07-03 [Akayume]: Raven stretched back, cracking her back. She shook her head, making her black hair more messy than before.

2006-07-03 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep looked towards [Juiced] talking to the air** here have a drink, it might ground your senses- The young lady has already left

2006-07-03 [Juiced]: *blushes* oh thank you *sits at the bar and drinks it* *tosses a few silevr pieces on the bar* give one to Raven too plz travs

2006-07-03 [travs the bean]: fair enough**he poured a drink for raven

2006-07-03 [Akayume]: "I..don't drink." Raven said, her eyes darting between the men. She brushed a strand of hair from her face.

2006-07-03 [Juiced]: Raven come sit and have a drink (by the way my carecters a she not a he)

2006-07-03 [Akayume]: "I said....I...don't...drink.." Raven muttered, straightening the creases in her dress.

2006-07-03 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep took the drink back and put it away**

2006-07-03 [Akayume]: Raven headed for the door, though she was limping. "Damn fool....hurt my leg.." She mumbled.

2006-07-03 [Juiced]: do you need some help

2006-07-03 [Akayume]: Raven's eyes seemed to flash. SHe brought her face close to Skyler's, then she drew back, and said, "No."

2006-07-03 [Nonchalant]: *looks at Travs* Anything else I can do round here?

2006-07-03 [travs the bean]: you can start on the dishes in the kitchen

2006-07-03 [Nonchalant]: *nods* i'm on it *walks into the kitchen and begins on some dishes*

2006-07-03 [Igorina]: Jynx snorted loudly, glad she wouldn't have to thump a few heads with the little rocks she was keeping handy under the counter. " Thanks old fellow, " she muttered to Travs, rubbing her hands. She automatically reached for the mug and then thought better of it...her head was feeling foggy enough without the ale. The extent of her flash of anger had quite surprised her. Ordinarily she would have just sighed and started pulling out the rocks and waited for her chance. " Whoof.." she said softly under her breath. " Little edgy...easy there, Jynxie..."

2006-07-04 [Akayume]: Raven shook her head, and limped over to a table.

2006-07-04 [travs the bean]: well jynx watch the bar for a bit- i'll be in my office.

2006-07-04 [Igorina]: " Fair enough..." Jynx said. " Hopefully I won't hafta whoop for ya again with any troublemakers..."

2006-07-04 [Yuriona]: *Ranewen sat quietly eating her meal* No new customers yet, she thought with a bit of regret, Ah well, the day is still young. *looks around, noting the lack of a performing area and frowning slightly then continues eating.*

2006-07-05 [Yuriona]: *Ranewen looks to the halfling woman after a while* So, I take it that he *nods in the direction of the stairs that travs disappeared up* is the owner of this fine establishment then?

2006-07-05 [Igorina]: Jynx squinted in a mug, stuck her hand in and attempted to scrape a build-up of scum at the bottom of the mug. " He's the one y'pay when y'break stuff in his Inn, that's one way o' puttin' it, darlin' " she remarked casually without looking away from the mug. She then tossed the mug into the bin of dishwater underneath the counter.

2006-07-05 [Ryuk Kannagi]: -scratches his cheek a bit and begins to talk to himself outloud- Well now... wonder what will become of that girl... murder... is a women around here capable of such a thing? -shrugs-

2006-07-06 [Yuriona]: *Ranewen nodded* Fair enough.

2006-07-06 [Nonchalant]: *sercei finishes the dishes*

2006-07-06 [Akayume]: Raven grumbled to herself, then got up, and headed outside.

2006-07-06 [Yuriona]: *Ranewen finishes her meal, tosses some coins on the counter and followed the other outside, pulling her hood about her face as she left the inn*

2006-07-06 [Danboo]: *daniel yawns*

2006-07-24 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ re enters the tavern and walks up to the bar with his eyes flashing dark purple and neon green, obviously in deep thought ~

2006-07-24 [Juiced]: Follows him and sits next to him* nice day isn't it my lordship

2006-07-24 [Ryuk Kannagi]: Hey Travs you got any papers that show any jobs available in the towns close to here? Preferably something like bodyguard or something.

2006-07-28 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ looks at the person sitting next to him and nods ~ A fine day it is! ~ He says smiling ~

2006-07-30 [Igorina]: Jynx peers at Leon. " The old fellow's gone upstairs...who're you talkin' to again, handsome? " she said, raising an eyebrow in cool amusement.

2006-07-30 [Nonchalant]: Sercei: *sits down and sighs*

2006-07-31 [Ryuk Kannagi]: -turns his head looking at Jynx- I didn't realize... I suppose I should make sure the person I wanted to talk to is around before I go about talking....

2006-07-31 [Yuriona]: *Ranewen re-enters the tavern and heads to the bar, making eye contact with Jynx* Hello again. I was told to speak to Travs about a possible food vendor here in town but perhaps you can assist me in the matter as you are obviously well versed in the running of this establishment. Would you know of a food vendor in town I might be able to speak to or is a Helena Windrider the one I should speak to about such things?

2006-07-31 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep made his way into the kitchen from upstairs and found his way back to the bar.**

2006-07-31 [Yuriona]: *Ranewen notices Travs reenter the bar* Ah, the man himself. Kileiaya from the warehouse mentioned that you might know of a food vendor in town I could purchase groceries and the like from for my home.

2006-07-31 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep looked up** there's a market outside where many of the farmsteaders bring their wares to hawk, though with the rains the last few days it has been rather quiet.

2006-07-31 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles and looks to the counter and nods as he orders a keg of meade and slams a full satchel of gold on the table ~

2006-07-31 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep filled [Keyurg Kirosake]'s mug and took the coin- wieghed it carefully in hand and looked back at the man** you have alot of gold sir, more than enough for the keg, word of advice if i may sir, it is not wise to flaunt your money here- you never know who might pick your pocket or such. Sometimes wealth is best left...shall we say...put away.**the barkeep put the glass in front of the man**

2006-07-31 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Smiles and nods to the barkeep ~ You do not remember me do you?

2006-07-31 [travs the bean]: i remember many faces- i just choose to offer the same advice for the same mistakes.**the barkeep smiled darkly and continued to wipe down the bar**

2006-07-31 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles equally as dark and bares his fangs ~ Might I also add that I want a room? Better yet, might I make it three?

2006-07-31 [travs the bean]: **unfazed by the dark man's bravado, the barkeep shook his head** one room per customer sir- to take three of them would be unwise- besides- i have a feeling your fiances are running quite thin. So how long would you prefer to stay? from what you have paid i see i can give you a months time- using what is left of your gold that you paid for the keg.

2006-07-31 [Yuriona]: *Ranewen bows slightly to the barkeep* I see. Thank you for the advice. I shall purchase my wares there then. *turns to go and pauses* I wonder, is it possible then to buy large quantities of alcohol from your establishment or is there a liquor dealer in town I should speak with? Occasionally clients request drinks at funerary occasions and I do like to keep my customers satisfied.

2006-07-31 [travs the bean]: i think i could supply you with your needs**the barkeep nodded turning his attention away from the dark man for a moment** just give me a list of what you will require and i will see what i can come up with for you.

2006-07-31 [Yuriona]: It shall be done. *Ranewen bows once more then leaves the tavern*

2006-07-31 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep shook his head in amuesments- it was good to see buisness picking up for everyone.**

2006-07-31 [Ryuk Kannagi]: .... Hey Travs

2006-07-31 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep lifted his head and smiled nodded** And what can i do for you Mr.Leon?

2006-07-31 [Ryuk Kannagi]: Well I was wondering if you know of anyone, maybe yourself that's hiring bodyguards or anything like that..

2006-07-31 [travs the bean]: i hear the town guard is looking for troops and such i am sure the good captain over there would be willing to hire i fine chap like yourself

2006-07-31 [Ryuk Kannagi]: hm... do the town guards get much action around here?

2006-07-31 [travs the bean]: i hear they have had to deal with some rough ... situations...- you never know - there's always something dark to hunt around here**the barkeep gave a familiar dark smile and wiped the bar one last time**

2006-07-31 [travs the bean]: **the light outside began to slowly wane as evening began it's approach

2006-07-31 [Ryuk Kannagi]: -chuckles- I see... Thanks for the info... I'll stick around here a bit longer then I'll probably head out to see about bein a guard.

2006-07-31 [travs the bean]: you know...**the barkeep chuckled** i hear the undertaker my need some help as well-

2006-07-31 [Igorina]: " Undertakers do a damn sight better business than anyone, I think...and rake in more coin... " Jynx remarked sardonically as she hopped down from her little chair and looked for a drink.

2006-07-31 [Ryuk Kannagi]: ehy? How so? zombies attacking him? -he laughs a bit after saying the last comment in a joking tone-

2006-07-31 [travs the bean]: i don't think so, yet you never know what comes out at night here.**he eye'd the halfling for a moment and then shook his head**

2006-07-31 [Igorina]: " It's a lady from what I hear, " Jynx added with a dry grin.

2006-07-31 [Ryuk Kannagi]: -turns his head to look at Jynx- A lady undertaker?

2006-07-31 [travs the bean]: good at her job, a little eccentric but busy.

2006-07-31 [Ryuk Kannagi]: -looks back to Travs- Eccentric? -chuckles- Sounds fun... I wonder if she's cute?

2006-07-31 [travs the bean]: i would be careful on that- you might end up in one of her boxes. Eccentric but very tough

2006-07-31 [Ryuk Kannagi]: heh -raises his hands up innocently- I'm only joking...

2006-07-31 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep smiled** goodluck

2006-07-31 [Ryuk Kannagi]: Why do I have a feeling I'll need it to...So were is this lady at?

2006-07-31 [Igorina]: Jynx rolls her eyes " In her shop waiting for dead customers, romeo " she remarks

2006-08-01 [Ryuk Kannagi]: But were is her shop? I didn't notice any grave yards or what not when i came here... -winks at Jynx- Your probably the only cutey around here Jynx so no need to get jealous and roll your eyes

2006-08-01 [travs the bean]: just go outside you'll see her shop

2006-08-01 [Ryuk Kannagi]: -scratches his chin- wonder why I didn't notice it before?

2006-08-01 [Igorina]: Jynx managed to hide her bark of laughter in a quick swig of ale. " Ain't you a darlin', handsome..." she said in a flat voice.

2006-08-01 [Ryuk Kannagi]: So I'm told -waves- well I'm going outside to look for this undertaker -he heads out after giving Jynx another playful wink-

2006-08-02 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles and looks at the bar keep ~ I will take three kegs of meade! ~ he said as he plunges his hand into his pockets and throws the barkeep a hefty bag of silver ~

2006-08-02 [Igorina]: Jynx looked meditatively into her mug of ale. " And Travs, old fellow...that's why I'm driven to drink..." she said in a cryptic tone of voice. She fleetingly took notice of Mr. Moneybags' request but made no comment, only stood with her back against the counter nursing her mug and lost in thought.

2006-08-02 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ looks at the person standing with her back against the counter ~ Hello, how are you today?

2006-08-02 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep held the bag in his hand and frowned as he poured the contents on the counter. He held a few coins up and rubbed them with his fingers- *hmmmm, i find your money is not good sir* the barkeep tossed a coin towards jynx the halfling.** It's just coated steel, not even worth the dust it was rolled in** he pushed the bag near the edge and looked at the dark man suspiciously**

2006-08-02 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ growls and looks at the coin he laid out ~ That heathen! ~ reaches in his coat and pulls out some silver coin he got out of his vault ~ Should this be enough?

2006-08-02 [travs the bean]: 5 silver pieces will get you some good mead- as for the gold you gave me that covered a room a keg like you requested a few minutes ago. I see your looking to get drunk- **the barkeep craked the fingers in his old hands to release the tension he was feeling**

2006-08-02 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ shakes head and smiles ~ I am looking to relax, and the room is for anyone who needs rest, I want everyone to be happy. I am sorry about the fake gold, I done a job, and he paid me in this...wel....dust. I will have that taken care of! ~ grabs the gold and throws it back in the pouch and stashes it back in his pockets ~

2006-08-02 [travs the bean]: no worries there- **he put another mug for the dark man on the counter. ** enjoy and be merry, just watch your coin a little more carefully

2006-08-03 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ walks towards the tavern and is stopped by the guards as they see him covered in blood and he explains what has occurred and and tells them he brings no trouble with him. They look at one another and allow him to pass as he wipes the blood of of him so as not to bring blood in as he enters slowly ~ I understand my companion Jurok was in here not to long this true? ~ he said to the barkeep as he sits down ~

2006-08-05 [Danboo]: *yawns as he walks in and says to travs*sorry for not comming in a while

2006-08-08 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep points to the dark man still standing at the counter complaining about being robbed for a job** I believe this gentlemen here is the person your looking for.

**the barkeep than looked at danboo** fair enough boy- buy there is a lot of work to do and we need to get the evening meals started**

2006-08-08 [Danboo]: Yes sir! what can I do?*daniel asked*

2006-08-08 [travs the bean]: **with a cordial smile the barkeep turned his attention back to the two strangers** gentlemen if you would excuse me there is much to be done to prepare for the evening crowd. ** the barkeep began to hum and began pulling empty and near bottles from the shelves, placing them in a few wooden boxes, which when he was finished, he would return the storage room**

2006-08-08 [travs the bean]: Daniel, take these to the cellar and bring me two new cases of eldenberry, also see if there is a ministral about , it would be good to have some music.

2006-08-08 [Danboo]: Yes sir, travs*Daniel replies as he stacks 2 wooden boxes and grunts when he pickes them up and goes upstairs, then comes downstairs thinking 'what a doofus i am' and heads into the kitchen then the storage room*

2006-08-08 [travs the bean]: Daniel! ** the barkeep yelled after him** the cellar is downstairs in the storage room!**the barkeep shook his head with a smile and went back to work**

2006-08-09 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ frowns and looks to the dark man that was pointed to and looks at it carefully ~ That puppet...He must be around here somewhere. ~ he said thinking to himself and nods to the barkeep ~ Thank you! ~ he turned and walked out of the inn ~

2006-08-09 [Danboo]: *Daniel goes down stairs and looks around for a spot to set these two boxes and sets them down, then looks for the eldenberry's and finds the boxes*

2006-08-09 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: <<a tall black cat-like humanoid figure walks in through the door. He wears black, red and silver, a long black leather coat, leather gloves and a wide-rimmed hat with a silver lining and a black raven feather tat's held in place by a sort of brouche, silver, round, with a red smooth circular stone on it, red shirt, black trousers and black boots with a metal nose and metal plates on the heels>>

::walks over to the bar, sits down and rests his left elbow on the bartop:: Hello. Do you have any wine? ::looks at the barkeep. His eyes are green, his face has red streaks(fur, not wounds) and old battle scars, one running down his forehead through his left eye. The eye is ok due to pure chance::

2006-08-09 [travs the bean]: your welcome sir**the barkeep nodded than turned his attention backed to cleaning the bar**

evening stranger**the barkeep said not glancing up as he continued to wipe the bar down, in front of "jino"**and what can i do for you?

2006-08-09 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Wine and water. Red if you have... I've been travelling for days... the last two of wich without any water... I need wine and a jug of water. ::takes his hat off, placing it on the bartop. his maine is long and black with a few red and silver streaks. The silver streaks give out he's past his mid-thirties::

2006-08-09 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep poured two glasses and put them on counter for the stranger** i see you are same race as [Kileaiya], different breed though, we don't get yer kind much here these days, but your welcome here, we gots warm beds and such

2006-08-09 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Good. I'll like sleeping in a bed for a change... I had to sleep on trees for the last couple of days... Not that I miond that... ::empties the glass of water:: Ah... that was nice... So... What sort of... people visit this place?

2006-08-09 [Danboo]: *daniel grabs the two boxes of eldenberry and with a grunt picks them up and heads upstairs through the storage room and kitchen to travs*

2006-08-09 [travs the bean]: all sorts of people my friend,**the barkeep wiped his hands and stepped back just to glance over the room- ** it all depends on who your looking for or what type of adventure you want to embark on.

2006-08-09 [Danboo]: where do you want me to put these? travs

2006-08-09 [travs the bean]: underneath the counter daniel - that will be fine-

2006-08-09 [Danboo]: yes sir*replies daniel as he sets the boxes down and puts them underneath the counter, then gets up and goes outside*

2006-08-10 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Well... As usual- I'm looking for work.
I... Help people, when needed. With whatever is needed... As long as it is in my power. Do you know anyone around who may need to hire someone?
Oh... And... I'll be needing a room. got any free rooms?

2006-08-10 [travs the bean]: Nothins free sir, i know that there are positions in the town, ,looking to be filled- i hear there is always something to be done. if you step outside Black Arrow Tavern:Outside you might find some work. The guards always seem to be looking for someone. As for room space you can sleep on the floor in the common room for the night- after that you will be expected to pay.

2006-08-10 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::takes out a pouch full of silver and gold coins::
How much is a decent room?
Oh and... Do you happen to have a wizard around these here parts?

2006-08-10 [travs the bean]: for a private room 3 silver a night. as for wizards- everyone claims to be some sort of magic user around here**the barkeep chuckled for a moment** actually no real use for them a dangerous lot they are i'd be weary of them stranger - though i think the cat lady at the warehouse might be able to help you with magic items.

2006-08-10 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::places two gold coins on the bartop::
Will this cover a few nights, my drinks and a meal?
Oh and... Call me Jared.
Catlady, eh? ::smiles:: I have to go meet her...

((not with an English or French "R". With a Bulgarian... Erm... Russian "R"... If you understand what I mean))

2006-08-10 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: I forgot to ask... What food do you offer today?

2006-08-10 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep took the coins and put them away** i believe so- the meal is mutton, some vegtables and bread

2006-08-10 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Hm... I would like some mutton, some bread, some cucumber5s and tomatoes if any and another glass of red wine, if you please.

2006-08-11 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg walked towards the inn slowly and handed the guards his masamune for inspection and waited for them to hand it back. Finally recieving his masamune, he walked in and sat at the bar and pulled out a few bronze and slapped them on the counter ~ What can I get with this?

2006-08-11 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg turned and walked out of the tavern leaving the bronze on the table ~

2006-08-11 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep looked at the strange man for amoment and shook his head as he deposited the coin. Strange going ons - didn't even wait for his drink, oh well **

2006-08-12 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: And... May I sk when my meal is going to be ready? I asked for mutton, bread, cucumbers, tomatoes and another glass of wine.

2006-08-12 [Igorina]: Jynx pointed down to the end of the counter where an assortment of cold mutton and vegetables sat. " Grab a trencher and help yourself, handsome " she said dryly, grabbed a grimy mug, filled it with murky wine and plopped it in front of the patron. " And we don't have ' glasses ' sorry. Just mugs. "

2006-08-12 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::helps himself and eats with delight slowly, enjoying every bite and drop::

2006-08-14 [Elisha Kelly]: *Viktor entered the tavern and made his way to the bar, his eyes searching for Travs*

2006-08-14 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::looks at the newcomer:: Good day to you!

2006-08-14 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep looked at and noticed victor** ahh the captian of the guard- well good sir is your visit this evening buisiness or are you looking for a little rest?

2006-08-14 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::looks at the captain of the guard again::
Oh? Captain of the guard? My pleasure, Sir.
Would it be rude to ask where I can find a decent place to earn some money in this town? I am a man of many tallents and find no job unworthy.
Well... Almost no job...

2006-08-15 [Elisha Kelly]: *Viktor took his eyes of Travs to look at the tall black Anthro who was addressing him* There is always work for who prove themselves worthy *he answered curtly before turning back to Travs* May I have a word to you in private sir?

2006-08-15 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::looks at the barkeep:: Just one last thing, if you may pardon me- Is smoking allowed here?

2006-08-15 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep raised an eyebrow to the captain-** sure would you like to step up into my office upstairs? **he turned back to jino** that is fine just smell the halfling over there- her taste for cigars equals that of her need to drink**he smiled pointing to jynx**

2006-08-15 [Igorina]: Jynx who had been in the process of lighting a cigar gave Travs a dry smile, took a drag on her cigar and airily blew some smoke rings. She waved her hand idly, twisting them in the form of a dragon. " I smoke to remember and I drink to forget...It works out quite nicely, " she deadpanned as the ' dragon ' vanished.

2006-08-15 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::lights a cigarette::
Ah well... Everyone needs a trick in life...
::takes a deep lung from his cigarette::
I guess I should head outside and have me a look around...
::drinks up his wine, leaves another golden coin on the bartop and leaves::

2006-08-16 [Elisha Kelly]: *Viktor nodded and proceeded towards the staircase, nodding to Jynx as he passed*

2006-08-18 [Elisha Kelly]: *he then continued up the stairs*

2006-08-18 [Igorina]: Jynx nodded back and took up the spot for barkeep while Travs talked business with Viktor.

2006-08-22 [Sylvia Rote]: ~comes barreling in with a two large sacks and is beaming with pride~ I come bearing gifts!

2006-08-22 [Ryuk Kannagi]: -yawns as he walks in- Hey Jynx... -tilts his head a bit to look at Sylvia-

2006-08-23 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg entered silently and nodded to the barkeep on duty and slowly hands out a note, the note read: " To whom it may concern, The Prophet Kilik Jelrom will arrive in a few days, I pray that you send word when he arrives..." ~ I found this outside the tavern...~ said Keyurg hesitantly ~

2006-08-23 [Igorina]: Jynx took it, gave it a disinterested glance and then stuck it away in her sleeve. " I'll ask around " she remarked and gave a cordial nod to Leon. " Gifts, huh, " she said to Sylvia, giving her a dry look.

2006-08-24 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya gave a wave to Jynx as she took a seat at the bar, looking around for Elysia.

2006-08-24 [Elisha Kelly]: *Viktor descended the stairs and headed for the door *

2006-08-24 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya stood quickly and was promptly at Viktor's side, "I need to talk to you."

2006-08-24 [Ryuk Kannagi]: -walks over and takes a seat at the bar, he looks at Jynx- Can I get a shot of wiskey Jynx?

2006-08-24 [Elisha Kelly]: what about? *viktor asked, watching Kileaiya closely*

2006-08-24 [Kileaiya]: "Can we talk in private, please?" Kileaiya looked quite worried and she was fidgeting.

2006-08-24 [Elisha Kelly]: Alright *Viktor said, gently grasping her arm and leading her out the doorway*

2006-08-24 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya let herself be led outside.

2006-08-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg sat quietly at the bar and laid his head down trying to think to himself ~

2006-08-25 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyurg stands and exits the tavern in deep thought ~

2006-08-26 [Sylvia Rote]: ~pulls out deep fried chicken German style form one bag. In the other bags she pulls out many beautiful purse~ Come, take what you will!!

2006-08-26 [Ryuk Kannagi]: You sure are in a giving mood Sylvia.... Whats the catch though?

2006-08-27 [Remos Page]: comes in looks around sit down at the bar take in the view ,*been a hard night on the road need a good drink and some food *
can i get some thing in a big jug thanks to last all night long
and some meat to eat pls put a gold coin down 

2006-08-30 [Sylvia Rote]: ~smiles and takes a seat at a large, empty table~ a conversation is all~smiles sweetly~ and maybe pint?

2006-08-30 [Ryuk Kannagi]: -walks over, taking a seat along side her- It's been awhile...  -a joking tone was in his voice- What have you been up to yah lil siren? Using your song to catch some men? -a joking tone was in his voice-

2006-08-31 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep made his way back downstairs and entered the bar. he looked a little tired and worn and poured himself a drink, taking a hard swallow and then looked at the room. He scanned for the captain of the guard and thought deeply to himself that he might be trouble in the future. Then with a smile he turned back to the bar noticed the gold coin and looked at remos page.**

what can i get you lad. if you have not already ordered.

2006-08-31 [Remos Page]: ha barkeep i just like a good drink in a big jug
and a bit of beef to eat and what new around town
move his eyes up and down the room ,

2006-08-31 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep poured a mug black root ale, and put it in front of the stranger.** I'll get you some meat in a moment or maybe jynx can do it- **he eyed the halfling. and then revirted his attention back to the stranger** so what is new, i havn't heard much it's hard to get out these days with so many people stopping by here- Yet i have heard the captain of the guard seems to have his hands full though...something about assaisins and a missining governor...yet what does an old barkeep like myself know?

2006-09-01 [Remos Page]: oh iv just come back in to town been up in the hills ,
in a cabin ,
for the winter ,
i do here there lots of orcs on the roads in to town ,
seeing what thay can rob you of ,
and iv seen lots of traveling people but that
all thay do ,
live here and there gypsies,

2006-09-01 [Coffeecontrolsme]: walks in: woo this place is soo cool

2006-09-01 [travs the bean]: i hear there are orc out there- havn't cleaved many orc necks myself, i hear they're nasty buggers though- ruthless and violent.

2006-09-03 [Remial]: A young man walks in, dressed in ragged black robes, and nods to the barkeep from the door. He looks around at the other tavern-goers, then continues up to the counter and waits for the barkeep.

2006-09-05 [travs the bean]: Good evening and what can i get you?

2006-09-05 [Remial]: the young man took out a coin purse with his shaky hands, and pulls out 2 silver and 1 copper coin. "I, uh, I'd like your special and some mead, i-if you please."

2006-09-05 [travs the bean]: fair enough lad- i think we can handle that.**the barkeep took the coin, headed to the kitchen and returned with a plate of the special. He placed the warm plate in front of the young man, and then poured him a glass of mead** anything else i get for you lad?

2006-09-05 [Remial]: "d-do I pay for the room now, or later?" he asked, emptying his mouth of mead.

2006-09-05 [travs the bean]: you pay for the room now- the room will be on what you can afford**he looked the young man over for a moment- studying the ragged robe and the way he ate hastily** it looks by your appearance that the common room my best suite your needs. another glass of mead lad, you downed the first one quite quickly.

2006-09-06 [Remial]: The young man quickly wiped his lips and fished out four more copper pieces. "mm, yes, c-common room if you please. A-and another mead," he said before quickly turning back to his mutton.

2006-09-06 [travs the bean]: slow down lad. **the old barkeep spoke** your gonna what is your story lad?

2006-09-06 [*(.Randi.)*]: *knocks on door* Hello? This looks like a really nifty place, might I come and have a drink?

2006-09-08 [Remial]: He swallowed and put down his fork. "W-well, I'm an apprentice necromancer from w-way out west, the Necropolos Revios. I-I'm supposed to go east to the wastes and meet a l-lich who can train me." He took a sip of mead, carefully studying the barkeep's reaction. "I also make p-potions. I'll start peddling them out to the wastes for the potion g-girls tomorrow morning."

2006-09-08 [Remos Page]: mmm necromancer lots of white coast solders be look for you ,
they go about here?,
look for dark friends and when they find them ,
off to the toucher camber for you untill thay can bring you back to the light ,
best keep it to you self lad ,

2006-09-08 [Remos Page]: fanatics they are to the light

2006-09-08 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::enters the tavern and heads for the bar:: Hello again! ::smiles:: I did ask for a room... Which one may I use?

2006-09-08 [travs the bean]: necromancer**the barkeep chuckled for a moment- **good luck lad- **the barkeep looked back up at the new commer **welcome come in for a drink **he smiled and the turned his attention to "Jino"**i believe you paid for your room. Just upstairs.

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